At Ya'al College of Biblical Economy & Leadership, we understand the importance of personal interest and motivation in academic research. Therefore, we encourage students to choose their dissertation topic within their area of interest. This approach not only leads to higher quality work due to increased engagement and passion but also contributes to a diverse range of research areas being explored, enriching our academic community.
Key Requirements:
Length: A Dissertation requires a 30,000-word submission (approximately 125 pages). A Thesis generally ranges from 40-80 pages, not including the bibliography.
Formatting: All work must be typed in 12-point font, double-spaced, with all pages numbered. Follow all guidelines for writing papers in APA style.
Structure: Include a table of contents at the beginning of your submission and a list of bibliographies at the end.
Binding: Submissions must be bound in an acceptable cover.
Topic Selection: Students are encouraged to select a topic based on personal interest in an area related to their degree program. The topic should be presented by the student and accepted by the professor working with them on the paper.
Approval: Your work must be judged worthy of publication by the Thesis-Dissertation Committee and submitted in duplicate. All dissertations and theses become the property of YCBEL and are not returned to the student.
Style Manuals: Use one of the following for reference:
The Chicago Manual of Style, University of Chicago
A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Kate L. Turabian
Submission Process:
Proposal: Mail a detailed proposal of your thesis or dissertation to the Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation Committee at Ya'al College of Biblical Economy & Leadership, 67 West Church Street, Lexington, Tn. 38351. The proposal should include the style manual you intend to use.
Approval: You will be notified about the status of your request. Note that no thesis or dissertation will be accepted without prior approval from the Committee.
Choosing a topic within your area of interest not only fosters a deeper connection to your research but also contributes significantly to our understanding and application of biblical principles in the modern world. We look forward to supporting you through this important phase of your academic journey.